Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Military Consulting Firms

Military Consulting Firms - There is also an American and British private military company, Northbridge Services Group, which is based in the Dominican Republic and has subsidiaries in the United Kingdom and Ukraine. According to some estimates, the company has about three thousand ex-British soldiers, as well as several thousand ex-servicemen from the French, South African and United States armies.

On the other hand, Blackwater participated in the rescue operation to eliminate the consequences of the most destructive storm in the history of the United States of America, "Katrina", which injured about two hundred employees. During the entire period of this operation, the company earned 240 thousand dollars a day.

Military Consulting Firms

The Top 50 Consulting Firm Ceos Of 2021 | The Consulting ReportSource:

military -companies/ screenshot-1-13/" data-orig-file="" data-orig- size ="1165 ,469" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","title": " "," created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"","length_focal":"0","iso":"0","shutter_shutter":"0","title":""," orientation ":" 0"}" data-image-title="Screenshot-1" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="https://www.operationmilitarykids. org /wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Screenshot-1-5-300x121.png" data-large-file=" - 1-5 -1024x412.png" decoding="async" src="" alt=" " width = "600" height = "242" class = "aligncen has wp-image-7 485 no-lazyload" />" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="1181,515" data-comments -opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"", "title":""," created_timestamp":"0" ,"copyright":"","length_focal":"0","iso":"0","shutter_shutter":"0","title": "","orientation":" 0"}" data- image-title="Screenshot" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="https://www. uploads/2019/07/ Screenshot-9-300x131.png" data-large-file=" -9-1024x447.png " decode="async" src="" alt="" width=" 600" height="262" class="aligncenter w p-image -7486 no-lazyload" />" data-orig-file=" 3.png" data-orig-size= "1140,418" data-comments-open="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera" :"","title":"" ,"created_timestamp":"0","copyright ":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_shutter":"0" ,"title":"","orientation" :"0"}" data-image-title ="Screenshot-8" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file= " wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Screenshot -8-3-300x110.png" data-large-file=" content/uploads/2019/07/Screenshot-8 -3-1024x375.png" decoding="async " src=" 3-300x110.png" alt="" width "600" height "220" class = "aligncenter wp -image-7541 no-lazyload" />

permalink="" data-orig- file=" /07/Screenshot-7-3.png" data-orig-size= "1148,426" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit" :"","camera":"","title":"" ,"created_timestamp":"0","copyright": "","focal_length":"0","iso":"0"," shutter_shutter":"0","title":"","orientation" :"0"}" data-image-title=" Screenshot-7" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=" wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Screenshot-7 -3-300x111.png" data-large-file="https://www." decoding="async" src=" 07/Screenshot-7-3-3 00x111.png" alt="" width="600" height="223" class="aligncenter wp-i mage-7542 no-lazyload" />

id="7543" data-permalink=" /screenshot-6-4/" data-orig-file=" wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Screenshot-6-3.png" data-orig-size=" 1173,368" data-comments-open="1" image data-meta="{"aperture":" 0","credit":"","camera":"","title":"","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":""," focal_length":"0","iso" :"0","shutter_shutter":"0","title":"","orientation": "0"}" data-image-title="Screenshot-6" data-image-description="" data- image-caption="" data-medium-file=" .png" data-large-file=" 3-1024x321.png" decoding="async" src=" content/uploads/201 9/07/Screenshot-6-3-300x94.png" alt="" width="600" height="188" class="aligncenter wp-image- 7543 no-lazyload" /> MPRI has the largest database of US military experts

and its personnel have repeatedly participated in local conflicts and wars, notably assisting, training, and planning operations for the governments of Colombia, Liberia, and Albanian fighters in Macedonia. from the Croatian army in 1995. So, for example, in Croatia, in August 95, a successful operation "Storm" was conducted, which was organized by this company.

Top 10 Defense Manufacturing Consulting/Services Companies - 2019Source:

However, the leadership of the MPRI later denied any involvement in the operation, as the Croats were engaged in ethnic cleansing during it. For their part, the Bosnian militants stated that they were ready to sign the Dayton agreement, but only if the MPRI prepared its army.

Thus, the company continued cooperation with the Kosovo Liberation Army in Albania in 1998-1999 and in Macedonia in 2000-2001. The company combines a unique diversity of experience, talent and technologies to create precise and customized solutions for its clients.

They assess, analyze and manage risks. They also establish appropriate protocols and ensure the right technologies to strengthen and protect their customers' businesses, infrastructure, assets and privacy. Its comprehensive solutions are designed by security and defense experts using the latest German, Israeli and American technology to effectively reduce the existing risks of customers and take preventive measures against their threats.

Sheltron offers a range of services and tools to help your company develop precise and customized solutions that meet your company's operational and security requirements.Liberia, Ch. Taylor for an additional payment (about $4 million) for his transfer to the United Nations Special Tribunal for War Crimes.

But this move was rejected as provocative and ridiculous. At the same time, the US FBI and British Customs Service were engaged in an investigation to uncover all cases of failed kidnappings, during which it was determined that the company's management was negotiating the terms of capture and delivery.

the head of the African state. It was also revealed that the UN court did not refuse the services of this company, but refused to pay the ransom due to lack of money. On the GRS website, the company states that it is "at the forefront of providing operational, strategic and technical solutions and support across the federal government. GRS has deep domain knowledge and strong past performance in the areas of intelligence analysis and operations, cybersecurity, security solutions, technology

maintains information and strategic advice. Our team of highly skilled and experienced professionals brings a wealth of knowledge to assist our clients' critical national security objectives." [Ref: 10] The corporation has been offering training courses for intelligence services since 2010. Currently, the company has about 300 specialists who are ready to train counterintelligence and intelligence services, teach the basics of special operations, and prepare translators for the US military.

. Boeing manufactures commercial and defense aircraft and also makes a significant contribution to the aerospace industry in cooperation with NASA. The company offers full life cycle support for maintaining the defense system and full support for the mission. By checking the airframe, scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, changes

A Fatal Error Inspired A Plan To Reduce Friendly Fire, But The Military  Isn't Interested – Texas MonthlySource:

and ground support, Boeing's unique capabilities provide the highest level of support and readiness. Maintenance provided by Boeing extends the aircraft's availability and restores its capability. At the same time, using its aircraft data and providing predictive analytics, Boeing helps its customers in prediction and prevention

did helps identify future anomalies and bottlenecks EXB Solutions, Inc. (EXB) is an engineering services company with deep expertise in software and systems and testing. regulated areas where defects are not tolerated. His team is dedicated to mission and security critical software and systems for leading aerospace, defense and medical companies.

They work with leading government contractors and OEMs, including Honeywell, Rockwell Collins, Medtronic, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, and Boston Scientific using a variety of in-house and real-time technologies (Fort Defense Group Corporation, FDG Corp.) — Established

. in 1996 by Marines A. Rodriguez. A few years later, his partner, the Russian officer D. It is headquartered in Jacksonville. The company has focused its main activities in practically all hot spots of the world - Somalia, Gulf of Aden, Iraq, Guinea-Bissau, Israel, Palestine, Gaza and Afghanistan.

The company is dedicated to providing services such as protection of ships and cargo, military logistics, sea and land transport, training of special units and security teams for operations in dangerous areas, military consulting. The organization has a special role assigned to the FDG SEAL unit, which includes patrol swimmers who can fight terrorism at a highly professional level both in and under water.

13-3/ " data-orig -file="" data-orig-size="1158,285 " data-comments -opened=" 1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","title":"","created_time" :"0" ,"copyright" :"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0" }" data-image-title= "Screenshot-13" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=" uploads/2019/ 07/Screenshot- 13-1-300x74.png" data-large-file=" .png" decode="async" src="" alt="" width="600" height = "148 " class = " alig

ncenter wp-image-7551 no-lazyloa d" /> Democrats Ask Consulting Firms For Information On Retired Military Officers  Advising Foreign Governments | The HillSource:

" width "600" height= "231" class ="aligncenter wp-image-7552 no-laz yload" /> The scandalous fame that the company gained after the massacre during its participation in the Iraq war. The fighters of the academy participated in the operation that caused the death of a large number of civilians in Baghdad.

In addition, it is reported that this company is engaged in arms trafficking. In particular, in March 2010, there was a big scandal when more than five hundred Kalashnikov rifles and other weapons disappeared from American warehouses in Afghanistan.

In September, several employees of this company were charged with illegal arms trafficking. DynCorp has been involved in testing missile technology for the US military, developing vaccines and installing security systems at US embassies. Then, after the next business diversification, the company bought 19 other companies dedicated to the production of digital services, with which "DynCorp" received government contracts in the field of information technology.

In 2003, about 50% of the company's business was IT services for the FBI, CIA. Between 1976 and 1981, the company acquired 14 other companies and by 1986 had become the market leader in defense claims in North America.

A year later, the company changed its name to "DynCorp". The company's revenue was over $1 billion in 1994 and exceeded $2.4 billion three years later. The company bought four dozen companies and increased the number of employees to 24 thousand.

Currently, DynCorp generates more than $3.4 billion in annual revenue, employs more than 10,000 people, and operates in areas such as air operations, restoration and development, maintenance and operations, intelligence training, and security services. .

orig-file="" data-orig-size="1151,254" data-comments-opened= "1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","title":"","created_time":"0","right author ":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image- title "Screenshot-5" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=" -5-3-300x66.png" data-large-file="" decoding="async " " src="" alt="" width="600" height="132" class = "aligncenter wp-image-7535 no-lazy load" />

comments-opened="1 " data -image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"","created_timestamp":"0 ","copyright": "" ,"focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="" Screenshot- 4" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=" /2019/07/Screenshot -4 -3 -300x70.png" data-large-file=" png" decoding="async " src ="" alt="" width="600" height ="140" class= "aligncenter wp-image-7 536 no-lazyload" /> Australian Department Of Defence - Kpmg AustraliaSource:

screenshot-3-13/" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="1142 ,216" data-comments-opened= "1" data-image -meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","title":""," time_made":"0","copyright":"","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"","orientation": "0"}" data-image-title "Screenshot-3" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file=" content/uploads/2019/07/Screenshot -3-5-300x57 .png" data-large-file=" -1024x194.png" decoding="async" " src="" alt="" width = "600" height = "113" class = "alignc enter wp-image-7537 no-lazyload" /> A ati The company's activities are mainly focused on the provision of security services, including in the regions of Central Africa, which have very difficult natural conditions.

In addition, training courses for military personnel and consulting services in the field of military, participation in operational military activities, activities in intelligence and police services are among the activities. The company's employees are former employees of British intelligence agencies and special units.

In 2010, a special department was established in the company to provide humanitarian aid in post-war and conflict areas and to carry out reforms. Thus, the company's specialists helped strengthen public financial management in Ghana, restore peaceful life in Uganda, organize anti-corruption programs in Malawi, Madagascar and Nigeria.

Textron Inc. is a multi-industry company that leverages its global network of aerospace, defense, industrial and financial companies to provide innovative solutions and services to clients. Textron is known worldwide for its powerful brands such as Bell Helicopter, Cessna Aircraft Company, Jacobsen, Kautex, Lycoming, EZ-GO, Greenlee and Textron Systems.

With approximately 35,000 employees and a worldwide presence, Textron provides integrated products, solutions and services to customers worldwide. Since 1923, Textron Inc. from a small industrial enterprise turned into a global network of companies that produce advanced aviation, defense and industrial products. In 2009, the company continued to buy security companies.

In particular, the UK market leader in business and technical consulting, as well as the leader in operations support and key control, was acquired by the American supplier of integrated security and communication systems. Another not-so-famous American private military company is MPRI.

In 1987, retired general V. Lewis founded. About 350 former American generals live in his state. This business-level firm advises on military management and reform (in Iraq), weapons selection and procurement (in Georgia), doctrine and concept development (in Georgia), situational and operational problem solving, humanitarian operations, and military exercises.

The company provides services to the US government and authorities in other states, working together with the Pentagon and the CIA. The company is currently headed by Generals Soister, Vuono and Kresen. Ҳамчун яке аз ягона ширкатҳои хусусии низомии, ки танҳо ба авиатсия бахшида шудааст, ин ширкат танҳо дар соли 2017 дар панҷ қитъа 98 000 соат парвоз кардааст.Ҳамон сол ширкат дар ҷои 779-ум дар Inc.

K.d. Ward Law Firm Llc Servicing Jefferson, Shelby And Tuscaloosa CountiesSource:

5000. [Истифода: 2] Дар матбуоти расмии ширкат нишон дода шудааст, ки он инчунин хадамоти амниятӣ ва нақлиётӣ, ҳамлу нақли ҳавоӣ, логистика ва дастгирии низомӣ ва дастгирии башардӯстонаро пешкаш мекунад. Илова бар ин, кормандони Академия барои барқарор кардани қонун ва тартибот дар минтақаҳои офатҳои табиӣ кӯмак мекунанд.

Гарчанде ки расман як ширкати амниятӣ аст, он инчунин ба ҳукумати ИМА ва намояндагиҳои СММ хидматҳои мусаллаҳ мерасонад. Аз ҷиҳати ҷуғрофӣ, фаъолияти он ба Ироқ, Чин, Юнон, Конго, Косово, Нигерия, Судон, Русия, Шветсия ва Швейтсария, Туник, Британияи Кабир, ИМА, Юнон, Нидерландия, Афғонистон, Непал, Кения ва Баҳрайн, хатарҳо ва ҳифзи ширкатҳои нафтӣ дахл дорад.

. Шумораи корхона кариб ба 5 хазор нафар мерасад. Дар соли 2011, G4S Guidance Monitoring, як ширкати тахассусӣ дар таҳия ва истеҳсоли технологияҳои мониторинги электронӣ, аз ҷумла нармафзор ва сахтафзор барои пайгирии ҷинояткоронро харид. Дар охири ҳамон сол, ширкат дороиҳои Chubb, як ширкати тахассусии вокуниш ба ҳолатҳои изтирорӣ дар Британияи Кабирро харид.

Бар асоси мероси дифоъ, амният ва навовариҳои технологӣ, Kraus Aerospace тавассути ҷойгиркунии технологияи зеҳни сунъӣ ва омӯзиши мошинсозӣ дар фазои иктишофӣ, назорат ва кашфиёт (ISR) инқилоб мекунад ва ба бозор беҳтарин инноватсионӣ, муассир ва хеле сарфакорро меорад.

Интеллектуалии доимии иктишофӣ, назорат ва иктишофӣ (SP-ISR) ҳамчун хидмат. Бо давраҳои кӯтоҳ ва самараноки ҷойгиркунӣ, онҳо имкон медиҳанд, ки ҳалли доимии ҳавоии SP-ISR барои ҷанговарон, ҳукуматҳои федералӣ ва ҷаҳонӣ, мақомоти ҳифзи ҳуқуқ ва муассисаҳои тиҷоратӣ дар саросари ҷаҳон.

Онҳо масъалаҳои калидии соҳаро ҳал мекунанд, ки лоиҳаҳои аз ҳад зиёд ва партофташудаи ISR-ро барои минтақаҳои калон ба мисли посбонии сарҳадӣ ва баҳрӣ ба вуҷуд меоранд. Торбен мекӯшад, ки ба мизоҷонаш дар ноил шудан ба ҳадафҳои худ кӯмак расонад ва ба ин васила ҳалли инноватсиониро, ки ба таври масъулиятнок амалӣ карда мешаванд, пешниҳод кунад.

Ширкат як дастаи дилчасп дорад, ки барои илова кардани арзиш ба ташкилоти муштарӣ кор мекунад ва муштариёни сершумори тиҷоратӣ ва ҳукумати ИМА-ро дастгирӣ мекунад. Маълум аст, ки дар Босния ва Афғонистон кормандони ин ширкат дар “бригадаҳои исломӣ” меҷангиданд.

Аз як тараф, ин ба нодонон чизе намегӯяд, аммо дар асл онҳо таҳти роҳбарии бевоситаи CIA мубориза бурданд.

" 600" height="26 8" class="aligncenter wp-image-7457 no-lazyload" /> /private -military-companies/screenshot-6-2/" data-orig-file="" -orig -size="1136,513" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","кредит":"","камера":""," caption" :"","замони_сохташуда":"0","ҳуқуқи муаллифӣ":"","дарозии_фокас":"0","iso":"0","суръати_парак":"0","унвон":" ", "orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="Screenshot-6" data-image-description="" data-image-caption="" data-medium-file="https://www .operationmilitarykids .org/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Screenshot-6-1-300x135.png" data-large-file=" 07/ Скриншот-6-1-1024x462.png" decoding="async" src="" alt="" width="600" height="271" class="alignc type wp-image-7459 no-lazyload" /> Яке аз маъруфтарин ширкатҳои хусусии низомӣ ширкати амрикоии амниятии Blackwater ("Black Water") меб

ошад. р"). Он соли 1997 аз ҷониби собиқ фармондеҳи Эрик Принс ҳамроҳ бо мураббии тирандозӣ Эл Кларк таъсис ёфтааст. Пас аз чанд сол як ширкати дигар таъсис ёфт, ки аслан филиали нави он Blackwater Security Consulting буд, ки ҷангиёни он дар амалиёти низомӣ дар Афғонистон ширкат доштанд. Бо вуҷуди ин, дар бораи фаъолияти онҳо дар ин давра амалан ягон маълумот мавҷуд нест, зеро ҳукумати ИМА ба ифшои ин гуна маълумот манфиатдор нест. Дуюм ширкати бузургтарини амнияти хусусӣ дар ҷаҳон G4S мебошад. Шумораи коргарон ба 657 хазор нафар мерасад. Ин як ширкати фаромиллие мебошад, ки хидматрасонии амниятиро дар Британияи Кабир дар шаҳри Кроли таъмин мекунад. Дар соли 2003 корпоратсия Aviation Worldwide Services-ро харидорӣ кард, ки дорои се филиали таъмир ва нигоҳдории ҳавопаймоҳо мебошад. Ин ширкат инчунин бо департаменти низомии ИМА хеле фаъолона ҳамкорӣ мекунад, дар ихтиёри худ якчанд чархболҳои MD-530 ва ҳавопаймоҳои CASA 212 ва Boeing 767, ки дар ҷанги Ироқ истифода мешуданд, дорад. Ҳамин ширкат

ба ҳамлу нақли бор дар Афғонистон, Покистон, Узбакистон ва Қирғизистон машғул буд.

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